
86 Results for "circuitpython"

  • Prerequisites

  • A CircuitPython bootloader must be installed on the device. This is very easy to do. This has already been covered by many guides in the past, but I would recommend this one for starters: Next,...
  • GamePad module and Trinket M0 Haxpress

  • My pull requests just got merged into CircuitPython. One is the for the Trinket M0 with a hacked on flash chip — it's now called Trinket M0 Haxpress, and the other one is adding a gamepad module with functions for scanning and de-bouncing button presses.I'm...
  • Getting MUCH smaller with more features

  • The new prototypes have arrived!The board now features a 16Mb SPI flash chip and DotStart Micro RGB LED (APA102-2020). These additions were inspired by CircuitPython. The flash chip gives much more space for your python programs and the LED is used...
  • The Prototype

  • It took longer than anticipated, but with checking after each diode, I finally managed to get all of them properly soldered without any shorts. Then I made a branch of CircuitPython with the right code, and here it is:I must say I'm not entirely happy...
  • µGame on ESP8266 with MicroPython

  • The SAMD21 chip is great for its native USB and the way you can just copy files on it, but since it's relatively new, the development boards for it are rather pricey. Plus, it really has small RAM and slow SPI, which limits what kind of games you can...
  • Pew Library for TFT

  • I also finally tested how the displayio-based Pew library works on the SAMD51, and it's much better than on the SAMD21, though you can still see a lot of tearing. I still need to try with direct SPI writes, and if that doesn't work better, a C module....
  • Psychic ePaper

  • Overview 4.2" black and white, low power e-Ink display.Programmable IDs, photos, and credentials, displayed and refreshed with a button press.Programmable with CircuitPython or Arduino IDE using the Adafruit ItsyBitsy nRF58240.Bluetooth...
  • DIY

  • Required Hardware: 1. ESP-EYE         a. Optional ESP-EYE case 2. PyPortal         a. Optional PyPortal case 3. Two 3.3v usb to outler adapters and two usb to usb mini cables OR 4....
  • The BPI-PicoW-S3, A New Player in Town

  • The BPI-Pico-S3 is an ESP32S3 development board that has been fully adapted to CircuitPython, and the TinyUF2 + CircuitPython firmware is installed by default. No need to install any drivers in Windows 10, Windows 11, Ubuntu Desktop, or Mac OS operating...