
86 Results for "circuitpython"

  • Inverse Kinematics

  • While I'm working on re-doing the PCB to incorporate all the recent changes, we can talk about the hard part: programming. Obviously, without a program the robot is useless, and if you want the robot to do anything, most of the work is going to be writing...
  • Yorick the Mimic

  • Overview This project has two units, a sensor unit and a controller unit. The sensor unit consists of a Raspberry Pi Zero W and an Adafruit BNO055 9 degree of free dom IMU Board. The controller unit consists of another Pi Zero W and...
  • The Display

  • Inspired by the Sensor Watch project, I initially thought about using a custom LCD screen, with just the right size and just the right number of "pixels". Since Joe Castillo was using a SAML22 chip in his design, which is a close cousin of the SAMD21...
  • Hardware Handshake

  • Why Use Hardware Handshake? I really need hardware handshake to work. Older Retro-computers running BASIC just don't support transferring data without some throttling.  Other Throttling Techniques There's a number of other throttling techniques...
  • M4-Shim

  • Makers are never satisfied.  (That tends to be why they make! :))No sooner had I integrated PoE and Ethernet on a tiny FeatherWing and someone expressed dissatisfaction that they had to use it in combination with a Feather to provide the microcontroller! ...
  • MorphESP240 - ESP32S2 DEV board

  • A powerfull dev board with the ESPRESSIF™ ESP32-S2®, a high resolution display, a RGB LED, a battery charger and a bunch of GPIOs. There are many ESP32 board on the market but very few with the new ESP32-S2 which handles USB communications, new...
  • Hack Chat Transcripts

  • Click the JOIN HACK CHAT button to join the Hack Chat! 2024 March 6, 2024 High Vacuum with Niklas from Advanced Tinkering :: LINK to transcript February 7, 2024 Biomedical Engineering with Nyeli Kratz :: LINK to transcript January 24, 2024 X-Ray Investigations...
  • PCB Planning

  • I’m starting to plan for a development board for this touchscreen display, since there is a giant mess of wires on my current breadboard.  I want this board to mount to the back of the display and provide the FPC connections to the Display and Touchcscreen...
  • CO₂ Cubed!

  • Ventilation & Carbon dioxide: Good ventilation is important for indoor air quality, especially for reducing the concentrations of pollutants and airborne viruses (looking at you, COVID-19!).  Measuring carbon dioxide (CO₂) can be a useful proxy...
  • Real Steno

  • I finally got back to this project and rewrote the code for it, so that it now acts the same as commercial stenotypes, one called "Gemini PR" to be specific. It turned out to be much easier than I anticipated, mostly because CircuitPython has grown a...
  • nGame is µGame, only Smaller

  • While I was designing the #D1 Mini X-Pad Shield, the #PewPew FeatherWing and most recently µGame, I struggled with the same problem: how to fit the direction pads and fire buttons on as small PCB area as possible, while still keeping them usable....
  • Compact is coming

  • After months of tweaking, prototyping, sourcing new buttons, and finding a novel way to integrate an LED into them; the brand new, super compact, ThunderPack is about ready! Measuring in at a minuscule 4cm x 1.9cm (1.6 x 0.75 inches), it still packs...