
359 Results for "esp8266"

  • Vulcan Salute

  • With this bit of animated art on your wall, it would be illogical if you did not receive extra long life and prosperity.
    • 17
    • 8
  • TrillSat

  • Texting Without Cell Towers, Power Grid, or the Internet: IoT meets AX.25 Aboard an Arboreal Space Elevator
    • 66
    • 49
  • ESP8266 Firmware

  • I haven't put the firmware on Github for the ESP8266 in the Sonoff device, because it is just slapped together to get the project started. When I really start to work on the full featured ESP8266, I will put it up on Github, but for now, here is the...
  • ESP8266 ready

  • I finally got a new layout ready and the communication "API" defined.I was aiming for a structure with an ID, Value and checksum in binary format but for now, and to make debugging easier I made a simple API with all ASCII values: ,,<\n>.This way I can...
  • ESP8266 OTA updates update

  • I've had a lot of difficulty getting OTA updates to work over HTTPS, so I'm falling back to HTTP for now. I've got it updating the sketch efficiently (meaning, using stock code to check md5sum of file and not bothering to update if the md5sum is the...
  • PWM and the ESP8266

  • Boy those blue leds are bright, and the really need dimmed to prevent the bedroom to be lit up like a movie studio. Unfortunately, PWM on the ESP8266 is somewhat broken, in that you cannot get the duty cycle below about 20%. I only discovered only after...
  • Programming the ESP8266

  • I has an ESP8266-01 kicking around my workshop just waiting for a project, so the garage door opener was a perfect choice - it only needed one output, and two inputs.The first problem I had though, was I needed to program it. I read that you can use...