
3979 Results for "raspberry"

  • Rev 1. PCB Assembly!

  • Alright here we go! In case you missed the last log, here it is! Check it out because what you're about to see will make a lot more sense. Just like the last log, this log is going to be a retrospective, but I promise that the next CRAPi2040 log to grace...
  • How the Open Book Saves the World

  • This is my submission for the Hackaday Prize: the ESP32-S3 based Open Book, an open hardware e-book reader that traces its origin to an ancient (or at least pre-pandemic) contest on this very web site. I designed the circuit board from scratch in KiCad...
  • Bitbanging a protocol that has no hardware support

  • Everybody loves a video so here's one to start with before we get to the boring fascinating details. There are many protocols out there for communicating between computers, and other computers or peripherals. A subset of these are common enough to be...
  • SYM-1 Mega Filing System

  • The Sym-1 was a SBC, built by Synertek from around 1979 when it started to become popular, and while the name does not roll off the tongue of people who become nostalgic about computers of this era, due to the quality of its design and build, it...
  • What are Fiducial Marks on a PCB?

  • DESCRIPTION Fiducials are little target registration marks that are printed on PCBs, they are placed on the top copper layer (and bottom if you're doing 2-layers) and allow the vision system of the pick and place to recognize where the PCB is at. They...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Mike12:30 PMRight. Did you implement the double-step initially, or only remember it later on? Simon Jansen12:30 PMThe film simplified it a lot. It's not a 'stick in the question - get out the answer' type machine. Simon Jansen12:30 PMNo, i knew about...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hello all, it's noon here on the West Coast and we're ready to kick off the Hack Chat. We're excited to have Noah, Sebastian, and David from Incuvers today, here to talk about how the company is "Disrupting Cell Biology" with some instruments that have...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Welcome everyone, time for the Gigatron Hack Chat. I'm Dan Maloney, I'll be the moderator today. I want to welcome Walter Belgers to the chat today to talk all about the Gigatron. Walter, thanks for coming on in what must be a difficult time. We were...