
17716 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to this week's Hack Chat. Dan Maloney here, I'll be moderating for today's chat with Erika Earl, who worked with the JPL team that designed a ventilator for COVID-19 response in just 37 days. I'm not sure I saw her log on yet, though...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • Lex Kravitz12:41 PMMany people started 3D printing face shields (clear plastic protector with an FDM holder). I thought that was an amazing demonstration of distributed manufacturing of 3D printing being able to produce parts that were overwhelming...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Erin RobotGrrl11:35 AMHi!!! Does the project page have to be created in the time frames listed? (asking for friends who are interested) Matteo Borri11:51 AMHello! @Erin RobotGrrl - Majenta will be on with us in a few minutes, she can give you the details...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Page 1

  • Andy Geppert  2:39 PM Questions for the queue: What dev environ did you guys use (Linux… tools)? What magic automation was being used when Elliot walked around with the [vintage] laptop and micro USB connection to make “keyless updates”...
  • CP Dice Bag For The Visually Impaired

  • My kids play games with a friend who is visually impaired. The thought went up, can the CP speak? According to Adadfuit's example code the answer is yes...but it is a finicky beast to hear. I put the code in from their example code and worked it into...
  • Code upgrade_1.2

  • //bracelet_for_the_blind_Upgrade_1.2 //tác giả(Author): Đỗ Xuân Tiến - Gmail: #include const int trig = A1; //chân trig của HC-SR04 const int echo = A0; //chân echo của HC-SR04...
  • The Code that WORKED

  • we encountered problems Processing couldn't read information properly from Arduino, so our lecturer offered a helping hand to solve the problems. Hence it looked like this:ArduinoMain/idle page:// Page 1 #define p1WaterTap 3 #define p1ShowerHot 6 #define...
  • FPGA Bootcamp Transcript PT II

  • Frank Buss12:28 PMyeah, 6 weeks is very short Antti Lukats12:28 PMthe RULES are bullshit, I can say it here.. Al Williams12:28 PMI haven't looked at them lately but I will Antti Lukats12:28 PMhow many days would you need to figure out WHAT is needed...
  • Baby steps

  • After messing about with some networks for a couple of months in an attemt to design computer vision for machines, I started to notice a few re-occurring topics and buzz words such as 'prototext' and 'weights'. Curiosity has now got the better of me...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Brian Lough11:59 AMHey @Taiwo Dan Maloney12:00 PMHey everyone, looks like it's time to get started. Let's welcome Brian Lough to the Hack Chat! Brian, it looks like you're pretty well-known to the regulars, but maybe you can give everyone a little about...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Mihir Shah11:59 AMHi everyone, here is the link to the livestream: I'll be answering questions live on there ( and typing up summary's here... at the same time lol) We'll be going live in about a minute here OK all, let's get started. Let's welcome Mihir...