
177 Results for "persistence of vision"

  • Python MicroService Bus for IoT

  • Why?Well, I started integrating everything I could on Raspberry PI. Sensors, i2c, 1-wire, GPIO, SPI, USB X10, API's, webscrape etc etc. Then started to think about how to federate within a Home Area Network. I didn't want everything going back to a central...
  • Rev 2 PCB, TMDS and SERDES working

  • Oops... PCB v2 Shortly after my last post, I did a quick connectivity check, and I found that I screwed up the HDMI connector footprint! The pin numbers ended up being reversed from what they should have been. I'm not sure whether I did that, or if I...
  • Pi Zero Project Update

  • Read this post on my Blog#Hardware#The big change for the 2016 prototype is the change from the Raspberry Pi 2, to the Pi Zero. This change does a number of beneficial things such as lowering overall cost, increasing battery life, and shrinking the footprint.Getting...

  • It has been 2 years since I worked on ESPCLOCK V1. I actually started the design for V2 shortly after that, and bought all the required parts, but stuff happened, and I didn't get to spend much time on the project. But things are getting back on track...
  • the latest

  • as stated in the description this is a ongoing project from last year that I have been working on for a number of years so I will start up the new contest where I left off and be discussing what I been up to as discussed earlier I have been looking...
  • Custom Starburst Digits

  • Sometime last year some friends approached me about a project they were working on and maybe wanted me to get involved with. While this didnt lead anywhere one of the concepts we were discussing really intrigued me and I wanted to have ago, seeing it...
  • DIY Electronics Project - Simple Joule Thief Circuit

  • Simple Joule Thief Circuit enables you to boost voltage from a low-voltage source. It can be used to power a clock or LED. The circuit can be built easily with the materials that you have lying around your house. In addition to this, it's also a great...
  • Persistent Settings

  • Summary A simple means of persisting settings across boots is realized.  A Flash resource crisis has manifested. Deets Many projects need to have settings that are persistent across boots.  In this case, at a minimum is the setting that contains...
  • DC27 DOOM SAO - Hurt Me Plenty

  • We’ve been lucky this year to have Cr4bf04m on our team, aka LonghornEngineer, aka Parker Dillmann. He shared our goal of the DC27 project to make the badges free during hacker summer camp. Aside from philanthropist backers and generous sponsors (Urbane...
  • LED Oscilloscope Mk. II

  • Around 1985 I built a 10x10 LED oscilloscope based on one of the Forrest M. Mims III designs. It used a CD4017 Johnson counter for the horizontal sweep and an LM3914 bar-graph driver for the vertical driver. The display was coarse, and I never measured...
  • Testing the limits

  • +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 495.29.05 Driver Version: 495.29.05 CUDA Version: 11.5 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M|...