
281 Results for "freertos"

  • AWS DynamoDB interfaced with IoT Core

  • Before we start, I did some research on Amazon FreeRTOS and how Amazon IoT/MQTT works
  • Calling the Control Loop

  • [I wrote this project log almost a year ago and forgot to publish it. I realized that trying to do position control on a brushed dc motor was not going to work the way I would have liked, so I stopped pursuing that approach. I may come back to the problem...
  • 2023 End Of Year Update

  • It has been a while since I last provided an update, and there have been a number of developments and interesting things in that time! Revision 2 CPU Board Following my previous update where I had identified several changes that were due for revision...
  • Implementing the SP0256 'Task'

  • Summary A FreeRTOS 'task' (aka thread) is used to manage the interface with the physical SP0256 and stream phonemes from a circular buffer. Deets Since this project is ultimately going to have several functions, including the previously described command...
  • Building the Basic BluePill Interface

  • Summary For my first amazing feat, I am going to make the interface as originally planned:  i.e. as a USB CDC to SP0256 'bridge'. Deets The original motivation of this mini project was to make a USB CDC to SP0256 'bridge' so I could record individual...
  • 2016.02.10: Manuvr Update!

  • We've had a busy January. The entire Manuvr team is now in the San Francisco Bay area. Josh and I are now working full-time on Manuvr and related technologies for a major telecom company that will likely be the first deployment-at-scale, and who has...
  • 2016.02.10: Manuvr Update!

  • We've had a busy January. The entire Manuvr team is now in the San Francisco Bay area. Josh and I are now working full-time on Manuvr and related technologies for a major telecom company that will likely be the first deployment-at-scale, and who has...
  • 2016.02.10: Manuvr Update!

  • We've had a busy January. The entire Manuvr team is now in the San Francisco Bay area. Josh and I are now working full-time on Manuvr and related technologies for a major telecom company that will likely be the first deployment-at-scale, and who has...
  • nWatch

  • Project The aim was to build a development board shaped as a wristwatch. This form of a kit is much more attractive, because It's not only a tool for developing your programming skills. It is also a complete device that you can wear every day, and impress...
  • 04/27/2019

  • Alright, got FreeRTOS & StemWin integrated, and got some demo code working so I could see the LCD actually run some animation, widgets, etc.  Have to say, STemWin is an awesome library, almost endless possibilities of what you can create. ...
  • Goals for V2

  • My main goals were as follows -Better encoders -Use arm with some sort of RTOS -Smaller and faster -Wireless debugging In the Japanese micro mouse competition I figured out that most of the competitors use small motors with built in encoders. This would...
  • Successfully decoding packets

  • Via a dirty patch to LibAPRS that removes or emulates all Arduino-specific APIs, I was able to get packets decoding correctly.The adc1_get_raw is the most straightforward way to sample from the ADC, but is not ideal:A task that repeatedly spins...
  • When signle-precision is just not good enough

  • It turns out that doing single-precision (24 bits mantissa) math on IIR filters may not work well for frequencies below 40Hz (sampling rate 48Khz). The A-weighting filter was not attenuating the signal enough (error in range of >10dB), Easily fixable...