
23324 Results for "3D printing"

  • Packing it together

  • So I had a mess of cables and some code that could get a picture on to these damn NFC screens. The project was in principle finished, at least so I thought. I just needed to solder up a protoboard, print a body for it, and it would be done. Unfortunately...
  • Improved Modules Coming Up!

  • I am currently working on an improved baseplate, which can be either machined from plastic or be 3D printed. Since tapping M2.5 threads in plastic is pretty pointless, I will replace them with either heat-set or press-fit threaded inserts. The PCBs...
  • The idea

  •  I've been wanting to make an animated world map for a long time, like the ones you see in movies on the walls of the CIA headquarters (or in the rooms of madmen who want to conquer the world!)In order to light up the capitals and major cities,...
  • Version 1 - Fail Quickly

  • When designing something new there's always things you didn't know that come out during testing so it's incredibly important to put together a proof of concept to learn as much as you can as quickly as you can. The first version of the launcher was always...
  • diodes and ribbon cables

  • I got the case 3D printed on a friend's printer while traveling this winter and had the electronics kit waiting for me at home. I bought it since I won a coupon in a raffle by I started the build today and got the heat-set threaded inserts...
  • BB Mod Experiments

  • So we've been exploring whether to complete the build with MX switches which are what the skeletyl case and PCBs actually support, or hack some chocs in there with some extension wires. For now, we're pursuing MX switches with mods to make smallest activation...
  • Digipot Breakouts! (and firmware)

  • I made 4 different versions, here's a 3D model of one of them.  There's QFN + TSSOP breakout versions, and then I made FPC + 2.54mm breakout versions. --- DIGIPOT --- These breakout PCBs have the built in jumpers for setting the I2C address - and,...
  • Project Log - W/O 5/15

  • This week was a week full of attempted breakthroughs and realizations that we knew would come.As we get closer and closer to delivery day and the presentations itself at the forum, we realized that more work should be split up evenly amongst ourselves....
  • Censored Skateboard

  • Thought about it for a while but just started. not sure if this fits any category for now... I can't do any tricks beyond jumping onto my board but not the skater way... But I know enough tricks from watch xgames. The sensors will mount to the inner...
  • Desktop EDM Hack Chat

  • Cooper Zurad will host the Hack Chat on Wednesday, June 28 at noon Pacific. Time zones got you down? Try our handy time zone converter. Whether you know it or not, chances are pretty good you've run into the results of electrical discharge machining...
  • Take my love, take my land

  • I was really happy with version 1 and yet, in the end I fell into the same trap as most of the Sci-Fi UI designers in PC games and movies do. All those “little” displays looked great, I had my hexagonal status indicators (nothing says Sci-Fi...
  • Micro robotic tweezers

  • Overview The following diagram shows the general design of the micro-robotic tweezers. It is clear that the control button plays an important role. My first thought was to use a thin film pressure sensor. The more pressure you apply, the wider the tweezers...