
22472 Results for ""

  • fedex and wildfires

  • It's wildfire season, but Fedex managed to get our boards from Malaysia to us in good time, unfortunately there was a cock up in the ordering department and they shipped to the billing address, we'd left there about 15 minutes before they showed up with...
  • Building the KIT1 with extra features

  • As the KIT1 is open source, talented community makers often brought upgrades to this versatile IOT platform. Here' the work of Akos, that adapted the KIT for battery use and also built a plexiglass enclosure.Last week I’ve assembled a KIT1 and posted...
  • Controller

  • In other logs I’ve written about how specific aspects of the controller design integrate with the hardware so this one explains the architecture in more detail. OverviewThe controller is a Microchip PIC16F1776 8-bit microcontroller (MCU) with 16KB of...
  • My Thoughts on my Passive Setup

  • I've been using my passive setup for at least 3 months now. My current setup consists of my passive VR shoes and ceiling mounted support rig. In this log I'm going to go over my thoughts about this setup. Please keep in mind that these are my personal...
  • Airfoil Design with OpenSCAD

  • hull(){ for(z = [0:10:1000]){ translate([0,0,z]){ rotate([0,0,45*z/1000]){ linear_extrude(0.1){ scale([thicknessArray[z],thicknessArray[z]]){ projection(cut = true){ translate([0,0,-z]){ hull(){ //base(); translate([0,0,0]){ nrel_s835(); }; translate([0,0,300]){...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • morgan12:30 PMcan you post a link to that upcoming stream? nardev12:30 PM@pt thnx. morgan12:30 PMor where it will be tannewt12:31 PM@morgan it'll be on morgan12:31 PMthanks limor12:31 PMcircuitpython good exprience depends on native...
  • netBOOT

  • // by: Eduardo Zola - 2015 ( #include #include #include byte mac[] = {0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDE, 0x02}; EthernetClient client; #define MAX_IPs 5 IPAddress pingAddrs[MAX_IPs]; int CNT = 0; int ERRORS_COUNT = 0; SOCKET...
  • up load the code

  •  This is the code i have running in 23 Arduinos.    you need to download.   Install Arduino IDE 1.8.5 FastLED-3.1.0ethercard-master Then open Arduino. From the Arduino IDE: Sketch -> Include Library... -> Add .ZIP Library...Restart...
  • Plug-ins

  • Plug-ins are the glue that binds external devices and services together, monitors and controls them and converts their specific protocols to a common message format. Integration is a key aspect of a home automation system and the plug-in manager makes...