
36248 Results for "《 예약문의 OIO↗8489↗8306》가라오케추천Κθrelease강남가라오케ⓠ선릉가라오케선릉가라오케㉷㎠청담가라오케austrian 청담가라오케⒣청담가라오케ョゐunnatural"

  • Discharge time and coils

  • In previous update I said, that if fast charging of field is impossible for now, I gonna try to find a way how to slow down discharge rate. I found one, so here it is. Interaction between a coil and a capacitor is kinda interesting one: coil itself tries...
  • Final prototype V1.1

  • As using an optical mouse sensor doesn't seem to be a good idea, I decided to work on my V1 prototype instead. I added support for joystick HID, and not just a keyboard, so it can really be used in something else than emulators. I wrote those modifications...
  • Final Thoughts

  • Designing and building TMD-2 was a great  "stretch" experience for me. For the hardware, I had never worked extensively with the Raspberry Pi or Pi Camera. On the software side I had never used  Python or PyGame before. So I learned a lot ...
  • Removing undesired reflections/spots

  • Hey all!This is another project log to update the latest developments of OWL (Just in case you forgot, we call it OWL because, well, Open Indirect Ophthalmoscope, OIO).So, since the last time I made a log, we’ve been working on--making an elegant GUI...
  • Two major discoveries! LEGO and Hole-punches

  • We made some major discoveries! Having experimented with laser-cutting housings for our LED clocks, (placing the two breadboards back to back), we found that LEGO technic 4.8mm holes can fit 5mm LEDs perfectly in the holes, and then we can just jam the...
  • Hackaday LA April Meetup

  • Join us for the April 2018 Hackaday LA Meetup! We'll welcome four expert speakers, meet with fellow hackers, pitch project ideas, and stay updated on all things Supplyframe, Hackaday, and Tindie. **Please make sure to RSVP on our Meetup page!** Featured...
  • Solar Lamp ☀

  • This project was quite a cool endeavor. Through it I was able to learn alot about (inaccuracies!) representing colors, what is a color, and how on earth do you transition between colors?(What intermediate colors do you show? What values to play with?)....
  • Reading a page of a book

  • I started getting the TX2 all set up by updating this and that and ensuring OpenCV was wrapped by python3. I chose the reading a book as the first one to take a crack at and made some good progress or at least I know where I need to go from here....
  • [R] AR/VR/MR Curiosity

  • Whilst impatiently waiting for the optical gear to arrive from AliExpress, I did a bit of looking around on the internet for things related to Mixed Reality. It's not strictly TyMist related, but with all the different systems I'd need to design...
  • Design Considerations

  • Earlier version of the device was reconsidered in terms of following aspects:• Accommodating for different refractive errors • Aesthetics • Ergonomics • Weight distribution OIO ASSEMBLY EXPLODED ASSEMBLY1. ACCOMMODATING FOR DIFFERENT REFRACTIVE ERRORS...