
36847 Results for "∇ 최저가 Ò1Ò《⑤⑦93》74⑸⑻ ∇런닝래빗가격β런닝래빗주대result런닝레빗가라오케주대런닝래빗주대런닝레빗가라오케주대voyage 런닝래빗가라오케ㅅG런닝레빗가라오케주대indies"

  • Counter implementation

  • I know lots of hackaday readers are HDL specialist and this content may not be useful, but beginner (including me) needs some struggle just for simple application. Here I would introduce "how to make simple counter" using my training board.The training...
  • Finally

  • Here is our final program : int trigPin = A0; //Trig - green Jumper int echoPin = A1; //Echo - yellow Jumper long duration, cm, inches; // on assigne chaque led a une borne de l'arduino // const int A = 2; const int B = 3; const int C = 4; const int...
  • Gigatron TTL microcomputer

  • History followed one pathThere were many other waysIt will always be like that Can fewer than 40 old-skool TTL chips implement a multi-megahertz microcomputer with video and sound? This project started as an exploration of what you can build from 30-40...
  • Tapo circuit COMPLETED! + Tested + Programmed

  • //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LIBRARIES //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  • Smooth operator

  • Put the capacitive reading code to use.Started with code from here: a calibration stage where it detects the base capacitance at startup.Modified it to use this library for smoothing...
  • INC8 ASICified

  • After spending some quality time in the ASIC world for 107. Choosing the gates, it was time to practice a bit. The target of choice is of course the INC8 unit, which has been significantly modified after a little session with circuitjs : The circuit...
  • What are FPGAs?

  • FPGAs and Microcontrollers FPGA is an initialism for Field Programmable Gate Array.  They are digital logic chips that can be programmed with new logic designs in the same way that microcontrollers can be programmed with new firmware.  On a...
  • Using protothreads on MCUs

  • In my previous projects there are places where periods of a fraction of a second are required between actions, for example, debouncing a switch, or waiting for an autorepeat threshold. These periods are much longer than the tick period. The MCU must...
  • ONNX graphsurgeon

  • The famous trtexec program was in /usr/src/tensorrt/bin.  It supposedly can convert directly from caffe to a tensorrt engine. ./trtexec --deploy=/root/openpose/models/pose/body_25/pose_deploy.prototxt --model=/root/openpose/models/pose/body_25/pose_iter_584000.caffemodel...

  • ESPFLIX is designed to run on the ESP32 within the Arduino IDE framework. Like the ESP_8_BIT, the schematic is pretty simple: ----------- | | | 25 |------------------> video out | | | 18 |---/\/\/\/----|---> audio out | | 1k | | | --- | ESP32 | --- 10nf...
  • 7) Software

  • There are two micro-controllers on VinyGo. The master uses an ESP32, and the slave uses a stm32 for the HMI on the LCD touchpad. Both communicate via an UART protocol. It can be downloaded on the VinyGo git project.
  • The PCBs

  • As said in the previous log, I managed to get my hands on a bunch of PCBs from the Rotor 2.Here's the whole lot:Aside from some ceramic modules which were broken in shipping (the eBay seller crammed all the boards in a much smaller box than this, with...
  • Prototype PCBs, CPLDs, and UART Issues

  • A Better Backplane In the long run, I don't know if Mackerel will be a backplane system or a single-board computer, but while the project is still in the prototyping phase, having interchangeable component cards on a backplane does make development easier....