
6277 Results for "esp8266"

  • EXPLOG : Exploration Logger

  • [This is the description page of current state of EXPLOG project. This will be updated occasionally. So please keep an eye on the logs to know what happens when.] EXPLOG stands for "Exploration Logger". It is an opensource device that can log a variety...
  • Design Introduction

  • There are plenty of bin monitor projects around, however none of them really matched my requirements, so I decided to make my own, this log hopefully gives an insight to my thinking.Schematic:Distance sensor:Most bin monitoring projects I've seen use...
  • Log 2: But Wait, There's More!

  • The basic design of the software to this point was to do everything via the web server embedded in the ESP-01 (in the Arduino libraries for the ESP8266). Unfortunately, this has a lot of overhead: every connection takes time, and all of the latency adds...
  • Prototyping a Captive Portal

  • After taking this clock with us to visit family in another timezone I discovered two problems in the way the code works: WiFi credentials are hardcoded and clock can't be set if it can't connect to the APTimezone is hardcoded so even if clock can set...
  • M10CUBE

  • M10CUBE  (M10 in short) road map This is a teamwork project! It is up to the contributors choice to show their name in public Soon... A PLC software using all M10CUBE I/Os : First PLC software will be  CODESYS (Raspberry Pi runtime is free...