
8872 Results for "solder fume extractor"

  • Making a Case

  • The RetroRiter needs a case. Or at a minimum some bits to keep it in a roughly ridged shape and keep the exposed PCBs protected.When I had originally picked up the PiZero, I also got a case from (the Zebra Zero... which seems discontinued...
  • Advice from a germanium specialist

  • Is there anything to be careful about, when dealing with Ge transistors ?According to a retired engineer, soldering is tricky. I know Ge is very temperature-sensitive but he advised to not cut the leads. I'm still not sure about the exact meaning but...
  • PCB design, part 2

  • So far the biggest part of the project has been the layout of the interface PCB, and I began working on this a couple of weeks before starting to enter the project details and logs. The layout is now complete! Even as a beginner I found Eagle to be quite...
  • Population of the board

  • I've got all the necessary parts for the lollipop interface now, so I've gone from this... to this, with 9V battery for scale: The quality of the boards (made in China) is really nice. I used a conventional soldering iron, as there aren't too many parts,...
  • A Quiet Summer

  • Haven't worked much on this project over the Summer, however I have been ordering parts to transfer the circuit onto a soldered breadboard and mount it in a case.  I picked up a 10m 3.5mm stereo extension cord and cut that in half to solder to the...
  • Revision 2 - Coming Soon(ish)

  • So, I've decided to resurrect this semi-dead project. The original project served it's (very) short term goal of monitoring a serial data stream, and logging any anomalies to a CSV file.  This was achieved using a laptop running a Python 3 script...
  • Enlightened Raspberry Pi Contest

  • Welcome to Hackaday's Enlightened Raspberry Pi Contest. This contest is all about building and documenting great projects with everyone's favorite Linux powered single board computer, the Raspberry Pi. Elightened Raspberry Pi Contest rules:Contest entry...
  • First successful test

  • The test start by building a bad looking DVP cable than can be inserted into the Orange Pi Plus's camera interface and that split each signal into individual wire that can be connected into the Lattice MachX03 development board. I use a 24 pins 0.5mm...
  • Building the Thor robot

  • The Thor robot is going to be build on my Original Prusa i3 Mk2 printer. This printer can in theory print a 200x200x250 cm object but some part of the Thor is too big. This big dome is called Art4Body currently using ABS filament with %20 infill, 4 top...
  • Raspberry Pi 3 Gameboy

  • 9. Wiring up the amp and heaphone jackNext up is the audio amplifier, speaker, potentiometer and the headphone jackThe amplifier has to be modified a little bit in order for it to shut down when headphones are plugged in.For that, pin 12 needs to be...
  • Different Chips

  • While ordering the different colors for the mini 8x8 LED matrices, I couldn't help but notice the bi-color and RGB matrices in the same size. The RGB one would be a bit difficult to route for me on a two-sided PCB, but I decided to give the bi-color...
  • Let there be *more* light

  • I assembled the remaining two purple PCBs (red and blue LEDs), and six of the green ones. The OSH Park ones on the left have the lenses attached and are connected with some 3D printed connectors I designed to focus the illumination about 25-30cm away...
  • We Have a Fixed Firmware!

  • @Piotr Bugalski has recently re-written the firmware for this motor shield, and published it at From what I can tell, the new firmware is compatible with the old one, minus the hanging and crashing, so...