
154 Results for "역삼유흥★010=4648=0930 ω최저가ωdown금나라실장℈shampoo강남프린스℈objet강남테란℈real강남란제리클럽℈civa강남살아있내℈kona강남지중해"

  • Improving the Microassembler

  • In an effort to make the microcode source more readable, I added the ability to define named constants to the microassembler. They can be referenced anywhere in the source file, and they simply get textually expanded into their definitions. This is what...
  • Jump Instructions, and correcting an error

  • The original EDSAC had two conditional jump instructions (and no unconditional one!), namely Jump if Accumulator >= 0 and Jump if Accumulator < 0. For implementing these, I added a new MISC value called JUMP and two new UBCOND values for testing the...
  • Easy-IOT-with-ESP01-WIFI-Shield

  • Easy-IOT-with-ESP01-WIFI-Shield The ESP8266 ESP-01 is a Wi-Fi module that allows microcontrollers access to a Wi-Fi network. This module is a self-contained SOC (System On a Chip) that doesn’t necessarily need a microcontroller to manipulate inputs and...
  • Inter-neuron comms, the Network Interface Device...

  • ... and other cool stuff @Jarod White came up with but hasn't had time to talk about. Sorry to jump the gun, friend, but feel free to comment if you have anything to add. Revisiting the Oscilloscope Sometime in early 2016, I created the NeuroBytes Oscilloscope,...
  • Weather Radar!

  • Overview: When those summer storms or winter blizzards come rolling in, it can be handy to look at a weather radar to determine their direction and possible intensity. Not wanting to have another open tab on my web browser, I made the Weather Radar as...
  • PCB&apos;s Done . . . but not tested. . .

  • The boards are finally finished.  This was a long time coming, but I could machine the pcb's (which I have been wanting to do pcb milling for quite some time, but things did not fall into place until now) the mill have to become operational.  The...