
123 Results for "Tricorder"

  • Spectral ESP

  • I've been wanting to go wireless on this sensor for quite awhile and it seemed like a good way to explore Micropython on the ESP32.   For the battery supply, I used a Adafruit PowerBoost 500 to get a +5V on the ESP module from a single 18650...
  • First design revision

  • MCU selectionAs I mentioned before, we will need some MCU able to perform some FFT analysis. 128 or 256 point FFT should be enough. I did some tests and LPC1114 seems to perform well, able to do 256 point FFT in 5,5ms at 48MHz. Not bad.I did some more...
  • exploring the fubarino SD

  • gives you 4 projects as an example how you could use it and there are some videos in the playlist featuring student projects, which could have been made with an arduino as well. This board is a lot beefier than the arduino and teensy boards,...
  • A tricorder

  • Sorry for the lack of posting. I have been very busy with school and work, not to mention my Reagans exams are in 3 weeks. so about the TRICORDER. I will use mostly open source hard wear but I will program my own OS for the devise. I will have many steps...
  • Firmware in hand...

  • May 4, 2018 I finally succeeded in getting a reply to my many email inquiries to AMS by addressing my request to the corporate offices in Austria. The very nice Nicole arranged access to the AS7265X firmware for me (a special account is required) and...
  • Magnetic Imager Tile v3.0

  • Brian Benchoff writes in the latest Hackaday Links about @peter jansen: A while ago,  jansen [Peter Jansen], the guy who built a tricorder and a laser-cut CT scanner, made a magnetic camera. This Hall Effect camera is a...
  • Sci-Fi Contest

  • This contest is now CLOSED, congratulations to our finalists and thanks to everyone who entered!  Hackaday Sci-Fi Contest: Join Hackaday and Digi-Key for our 2022 Sci-Fi Contest!  Design something sci-fi themed, from cosplay or props, to robots...
  • First design revision, sneak preview

  • The JJ Tricorder (JJTC) projects seems to be stalled, however we worked hard on it, doing mostly the invisible work, like finding the components, sensors, choosing development tools and listing the final project goals, but I have PCB layout done.Because...
  • Medical tricorder

  • Populate the board. You should have some experience with SMD soldering. If not I suggest this tutorial. Start with the micro SD card socket, continue with the IC's, discrete SMD components like resistors, capacitors, diodes and LED's, then solder the...
  • Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire Recap

  • From the Desk of Rita:Jeremy and I would like to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who came to our table at the Chicago Northside Mini Maker Faire this Saturday! We had a great time, and we're thrilled by the positive response Malti received. While...
  • So Its started

  • So I started conceptualising this project a while ago. Wanting to build something nice for the new PC I was putting together. I knew that the hardware itself would be pretty simple as I was going to use the same micro processor and display chip combination...
  • BICODER Sensor Box

  • Alex Hiam created a sensor box with the LPC824 microcontroller:BICORDERI put this project together for the OSH Park Bring A Hack meetup at the 2016 Bay Area Maker Faire. It’s Tricorder inspired, but can’t quite sense everything, so the name “Bicorder”...
  • And then there were three...

  • A quick update -- I was packing up the Arducorder to ship off to @Mike Szczys for the Hackaday Prize booth at SXSW, and thought I'd snap a picture of it fitting snugly in it's new instrument case and shipping enclosure. I hope the folks at SXSW enjoy...

  • DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERSDIAGRAM// UPDATE 29-JUL-2015: // Added A.V.V.A. (ALZHEIMER VICTIM VIDEO ASSISTANT) at #28 below - just scroll down to it.// #29 - V.I.S.O.R. - (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement)// #30 - BioBed - Star Trek Medical...
  • Step 3: Board Layout Part 1

  • A quick update after a weekend of marathon schematic creation and board design...Schematic and Initial Board LayoutI've completed the first revision of the schematic.  The device is using a PIC32MX795F512L microcontroller, which should be plenty...