
140 Results for "ULN2003"

  • NEJE PCB Exposer

  • The "NEJE Diy Mini Engraver" (google it or aliexpress it) is sold in basically different forms: Open Gantry style and Framed Enclosre style.To my knowledge there is no official manufacturer for it. The hardware design seems to be derived from this project...
  • Considering parts

  • Currently I am attempting to do this project using components I already own. Upon scrounging through my parts I discovered a dozen stepper motors and matching controllers. 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor and ULN2003I am considering using these instead of much...
  • ESP8266 Stepper Driver

  • Forth The first Forth I found that runs on the ESP8266 is PunyForth. I am still exploring it, but it seems to have lots of tools to work with ESP8266 capabilities. A Forth environment is so extensible that the line between what is the system and what...
  • Nixie IN-3 Matrix

  • The display is driven from two large PCBs. Each board contains a high-voltage power supply and two 32 bit shift registers. The shift registers, Microchip HV5122, have a logic level of 12v so a ULN2003 transistor array is used to level shift the signals...
  • Quick update

  • Some of those who have been following this project may have noticed that there haven't been updates for a while. There are two reasons for this.The first reason being that this was a project that was being worked on during 'spare' time at the office...
  • Dispensing and detecting pellets!

  • After a few rounds of tweaks, the pellet dispenser is operating pretty reliably!  I also added the photointerrupter for detecting when a pellet is dispensed.  Video below shows the current build.  The code (running on an Adafruit Feather...
  • Get All the Stuff

  • For this project, you will need: An Arduino microcontroller boardA PS/2 touchpad from a laptop(Try to get one with a Synaptics chip onboard)*A ULN2003 stepper motor driver(For unipolar stepper motors(5-wire))*An L298N stepper motor driver(For bipolar...
  • Home Automation Using Cortana

  • Step 1In this, the Arduino is controlling some relay switches which in turn controls the appliances and the Arduino is controlled by certain programs that we will discuss later on.For this, you will need some prebuilt boards including the Arduino(i am...
  • Introducing the BMaC project

  • Since embarking on the 'WiFi AC controller' project quite a few months ago now, I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about building (climate) control, and seen the scope of what had seemed like a simple project at first balloon in size as a...

  • GERBER PCB DATASHEET ULN2003A times we have required to make our own PCBs or PCB modules according...
  • Logic board

  • [January 1, 2015]The brains of this washing machine are built around a PIC16F887 microcontroller with a 20MHz crystal. Since I'll probably be modifying this board often I didn't bother designing a PCB and used perfboard instead.Power comes from the main...
  • Testing v1.0

  • Reworked code to better use the existing words in PunyForth, and actually did some testing on a 28BYJ-48 stepper motor using a ULN2003 driver. Version 1.0 of code is working fine from serial monitor. See video at decided...
  • Power distribution

  • I finally decided to use relays to distribute the power to one selected servo. The path of the power goes through an unbalanced binary tree, made of parallel 8-tree and 4-tree, with a control vector of [1, 2, 4, 4] (total is 11, which is 12-1 as expected).The...