
948 Results for "feather"

  • STM32F4 Breakout Board

  • The article is being published in collaboration with JLCPCB. It is one of the most experienced PCB manufacturers with more than a decade in the field of PCB prototype and fabrication, they are committed to meeting the needs of our customers...

  • I loved playing shadowrun as a kid. So wanted to add a 6th world flavor. Elven text was perfect for that! So I purchased a wireless mechanical keyboard, that had english and elven text. Next, I took some aluminum that I had from another project and cut...
  • Week 4

  • Week 3 summary: The Adafruit feather adalogger was set up and wired to the encoder and LED. This is what will be used to test the code and troubleshoot. The coding process was also started. Our code in short displays different RGB values when the encoder...
  • Bluetooth RPM Letterboard

  • Why, What and How Contrary to what they may seem on the outside, non-verbal autistic individuals are intellectually intact.  They may know exactly what they want to say, but may be unable to say it. They may know how to play a game, but sit...
  • Enclosure design and the new Open Book

  • NOTE: This project log was originally posted on 07/27/2023 at 18:51 EDT, but due to a misunderstanding, it had to be deleted and remade.  One key requirement for the Open Book has never changed: I want it to be portable. I mean, it has to be, right?...
  • Robo32

  • This was a fun exercise to get started with my new ESP32 dev board from Amazon. The robot is cobbled together: Servos and Battery Packs are connected to the Breadboard using neon duct tape, and the R2D2 caster is held on with Velcro. It consists of...
  • EmotiGlass Breadboard Prototype Code v9.0

  • The code is running (but may still contain some bugs and leftover debugging/engineering lines), and control is via BLEusing theBluefruit Control Pad running on the iOS Bluefruit app. Here is the prototype Arduino code to run the EmotiGlass breadboard:...
  • Prototype to Launch

  • Populating (or stuffing) circuit boards can be a messy process. It's fraught with high heat, chemicals and teeny tiny parts. What could go wrong? 😬 In this post, you’re learn how I assembled the first prototypes of the nRF9160 Feather. It's my...
  • Remote Firmware Upgrades

  • When there's WiFi in the Amazon Pretty much every sensor deployment we've done has been to remote areas with little or no connectivity. It can take days to reach some locations, either off roading through unforgiving terrain, boating in over crocodile...
  • Getting to Blinky!

  • After all that work, we are finally ready to compile and program our first application! Let's blink an LED! Various ESP boards have LEDs on different pins. The Feather HUZZAH has one on GPIO0, and another on GPIO2. The SparkFun Thing has one on GPIO5....
  • Getting to Blinky

  • Arduino is the fastest way to get up and running with the ESP8266. All we've had to do is install the Arduino environment, add ESP8266 to the Boards Manager, and then select our board after we plug it in. The ESP8266 community has written all the code...
  • Analysing the code

  • As we've established in prior tutorials, every program written with the ESP SDK needs to have a function called user_init(). This function is called by the SDK once it has finished the boot process. Much of the code in our example revolves around getting...
  • Doorbell Notifier

  • My first (recent) microcontroller project turned me onto Particle Photons and got me looking for projects that would specifically benefit from having Wi-Fi functionality. Having recently gotten both security cameras and ‘smart’ lights, being able to...