
17838 Results for "raspberry pi"

  • Wire the breadboard

  • This step could go any number of ways - I chose to use a mini breadboard & jumper wires to the three pins soldered onto the remote. PIN0 will go to a 3V wire, PIN1 to ground, and PIN2 to the drain of a MOSFET I had sitting around. The source...
  • Research 2

  • Made a list of the most common communication interfaces used found in job descriptions for Electrical/Hardware positionsGoing to use PCI/e, HDMI and USB for sure, may also use SPI or I2C, we will seeCurrent interconnect plan:Not sure if I will SPI, I2C...
  • Best Wireless Communication Protocol

  • So I'm working on an IoT project that needs to be low cost. I need some way for a very basic PIC or some other type of MCU to communicate with a base hub (raspberry pi maybe?). The keys are low power, low data throughput, small PCB footprint, and...
  • RBPi Zero in Europe??

  • So ever since the very first Raspberry Pi Zero has been announced, i've been trying to get my grubby paws on one/a couple. However, over a year later, i still have yet to find a place in Europe that actually sells these things, whenever i check, they...
  • Manufacturing of Microprocessor Chips

  • how much does it cost to get micro-processor chips manufactured?i can design a RISC-V CPU of sorts, i was just curious as to whether i could start producing my own single board computersor maybe even a little RISC-V dumb phone***would it be more effective...
  • RPi Pico ( RP2040 ) Stepper Motor Driver

  • Raspberry Pi Pico launched in January 2021 and gained popularity very fast due its powerful and rich features.More importantly the ARM Cortex M0 processor with dual core processing attracts the AI and ML audiences. Our story begins with one real-time...
  • Software Setup

  • The software setup is split into two parts. Software running on the Raspberry PiScripts running on a server in my home.Raspberry PiKismetFor the Raspberry Pi, I'm using Kismet to detect wireless networks. Kismet does all the heavy lifting and combines...
  • Portable STM32 Flasher

  • With the fashion of over the air flashing and all the head ache that comes with (rf boot,...) an alternative solution is a USB power block powered Raspberry pi STM32 flasher, how's that ? Very easy : installing the st-tools allow me on windows to run...
  • Ledmacher

  • Optimizing a system to use the least necessary resources is a fun thing to do - and so it the complete opposite, trying to see how complex you can make a seemingly simple task. Like, controlling a few LEDs. Well, here's Ledmacher: an ATmega328 with some...
  • Final Assembly

  • With all the pieces done it was time to put it all together, but first I did one final check of the integrated electronics. All good. Next: I reinstalled the keyboard.Attached the keyboard encoder to the platform at the back of the case with some two...