
17838 Results for "raspberry pi"

  • Anyfesto

  • You can find the most current version of the install instructions and scripts over at Standing on the Shoulders -PiFM -
  • Installation script and tests

  • I'm currently adding instructions to the project page to make the installation and configuration of eXaDrums easy. To make it super easy, I created an installation script that you can download from the "files" section:
  • New PCB files pushed to GitHub, the Zero and next steps

  • I've now pushed the latest revisions of the RPi Bake-off and NRF51822 Core Protoboard PCBs. These are the versions that I just ordered from Seeed Studios. I paid for faster shipping; we'll see how long it takes... I manually made a panel of three RPi...
  • SD Cards configured

  • The software for the detectors has been installed on the SD Cards, and prepared for posting to Robert for installation in the Raspberry Pi Zero's.This installation contains new audio files.Some detailsThe OS Image being used is Raspbian Jessie (2017-07-05-raspbian-jessie-lite).A...
  • Software

  • This needs 3 packages, WebIOPi, mjpg-streamer and Apache, then a webpage creating and the start-up configuration. The WebIOPi handles the interface from the website to the gpio of the Raspberry Pi, the mjpg-streamer takes the stream from the webcam or...
  • First Entry

  • Alright, so I created this project a little late to the game, I've got a basic hardware component made already. I started with figuring out how I wanted to layout my buttons and cheapo screen on the raspberry pi, I then made a little object in openscad...