
4767 Results for " %EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%EB%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80 %E2%9C%9C %EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EA%85%90 %EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%ED%99%95%EC%9D%B8%EA%85%90 %EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%ED%9C%B4%EA%B2%8C%ED%85%94 %EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%ED%82%A4%EC%8A%A4%EB%B0%A9 %ED%83%80%EC%9E%84"

  • Theory

  • A laptop keyboard is a diode-less key matrix. Its keys are distributed in a way that you can press the most important key combinations at once, despite the lack of diodes - to the point where some rows only contain one or two keys. Often, there's also...
  • Finally, some publicity!

  • An article recently published on MOONGIFT, a Japanese developer site, has showcased RasDash! The article is entirely in Japanese and Google Translate won't accept the URL as it has special characters but YANDEX does. Below are some links and a basic...
  • A Whole Lotta Roots

  • Just a quick picture to show off the tremendous root growth.  The plants are about 5 weeks old except the one on the bottom of the frame which is six weeks old.  Click on the picture and zoom in to get a good view of how dense the roots are.You...
  • 20230214a -- Memory, cont.

  • Operating under the current assumption that RAM is 32 KiB banked at address 0000-7fff, with the first 256 bytes masked off by special function registers and internal SRAM, some other code sections of interest were found.  E.g.:ED00 loc_ED00: ED00...
  • Will it work on an 8080/8085?

  • One of my motivations is to also get it to work on my 8085 SBC. It turns out to be fairly straightforward. I have a hacked asz80 that flags instructions that are not in the 8080 subset. Here is the output of a grep '^[a-z]' efz80.lst a 0105 ED 79 [12]...

  • This represents a complete OPCODE list with 14 Constants (int values) available and 10 Labels (byte values) available for creating subroutines. Constants were favored over Labels, but this is up for evaluation. NOP and HCF were both added to the official...
  • Control Board FPGA Pinout

  • I might be missing a few connections yet which I'll correct as I come across them, but here is the pinout of the XC3S250E FPGA on the control board.  Note that the SRAM and the Flash share an interface bus.  Also note that the JTAG interface...