
90479 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸추천Ⅴ のson선릉셔츠룸w선릉셔츠룸셔츠룸㈜┢셔츠룸implied 강남셔츠룸ㅴ셔츠룸가격ㅂ⑤reached"

  • Back from the Faire!

  • We had a great time at the World Maker Faire! NYC was so much fun. We met a lot of great people and great makers. One thing that we ran into is that there are a lot of people who want the machine, but aren't able to back KickStarters. We've been reached...
  • New power supply

  • Well, the NCP1402 has been discontinued by On Semi. That's kind of a huge bummer, as it worked really well, and the design of the Crazy Clock had reached a more or less steady state.Unfortunately, it's sort of hard to pick boost converters for this application....
  • E2 Emulator

  • Sometimes, I get burned out by the hardware aspect of the project.  When this happens, I often wonder to myself, "Man, if only I had the Kestrel *finished*, then I can work on the software."  I reached that point not too long ago.So, I worked...
  • Upcoming Kickstarter Announcement!

  • Due to popular demand, we've decided to run a Kickstarter for the Mechaduino! We will be launching the campaign next week. Stay tuned for the announcement! We have reached a point where we're really happy with the hardware, and we think it's time to...
  • redoing last experiment

  • In progress now. So far, it is going rather similarly to a previous one, even though that previous one was done on defunct circuit.The threshold voltage is now rising again......UPDATE: finished.Unprocessed data available in files: TORTURE2.TXT. Note:...
  • QWIIC Edition

  • A new addition to the range - the QWIIC Edition. This has two Sparkfun QWIIC connectors in place of the 0.1" header and Grove.. Currently in OshPark purple, and 3 available. Red boards are in the mail. I have reached out to Sparkfun to see if I can sell...
  • First Results

  • Another day...I added a plotting function on my Controller so I can see the follow the output while flying. By doing that I found out the ultrasonic sensor detects distances between 0-25cm over a concrete floor. A little worse on grass. After that the...
  • First synthesis

  • Can you believe that the source code synthesised and place/routed on first try and reached an estimated 49MHz performance on A3P060 ?The core occupies about 570 versatiles (3-input cells) which leaves 2/3 of the FPGA (1K LUT3) for GPIO and peripherals...
  • Compressor Bleed Valve

  • After watching a recent video on compressors I found that there is a one way valve on my one between the compressor and the tank, this reduces the chance that pressure will appear in the head of the compressor. In commercial compressors the feed line...
  • First release date

  • It's been a while since I started developing this project and after lots of hardworking, I've reached the 80% of what I planned for the first release. This release will take place during the 34C3 in Germany (hope everything works for then). It will be...
  • 11.05.11 - another week of data

  • The last week was like early summer in Germany. Temperatures reached 30°C in some parts (86 degree freedom):Log-Data for last week:In these warmer days they have more "trouble" keeping a constant temperature but they try their best. When the outside...