
10560 Results for "B 남양주슬롯머신 cddc7닷컴 ♠보너스코드 b77♠카지노24🙍FC 에르츠게비르게 아우에ṅ수원장안 원엑스벳ే알제리Ẽ남양주슬롯머신좋은글 forasmuch/"

  • Flash Boards Arrived

  • The PCBs for the flash boards (and the pulse hubs) arrived last night, as did the DigiKey box with all the parts - that doesn't happen often enough :-) I found some time to assemble and start testing one of the flash boards today. The back view shows...
  • 2.3) FPGA-Verilog: the core

  • This is a 16 bits RISC CPU, with a very simple instruction decoding. There is no microcode. Each instruction is very simple, very basic. The complexity usually found in the microcode is transferred to the compiler. The compiler has to generate a complex...
  • JeremFuge (a.k.a. LC-LE:fuge)

  • This project is distributed under Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution-ShareAlike license. Laboratory centrifuge are usually very expensive ; the simplest ones cost at least 200$. In this context, schools or labs with limited means can rarely afford such...
  • New app - avrdude

  • This month, I've been working on an avrdude app - an app that uses avrdude to program AVR microcontrollers. It's now finished, with 500 LOC in the app itself and 800 more in the associated libraries. You might be surprised - why this and not something...
  • DesBlog #5 Square Wave Duty Cycle Configuration

  • Hello everybody and sorry for the absence, but it is exam period in the University so I didn’t have a lot of free time. First of all as you may have noticed in my twitter account the PCB is almost completed, and in the next week or so, the first prototype...
  • Pac 1024

  • The program space in Pac-Man is usually the first 16 kbytes of space in the Z80's mrmory space. This is from $0000 through $3FFF. Since we're limited to 1024 bytes, we're only using $0000 through $03FF.Pac-Man hardware uses dedicated PROMs and ROMs for...
  • Feature Wishlist

  • I find it useful to envision as many future requirements as I can think of. That way the architecture can be designed with future upgrades in mind, even if these features are never actually implemented. ---------- more ----------Support for multiple...
  • Analog Prototype

  • The prototype of the analog joystick shield is now assembled.I also modified the original firmware to return additional four bytes for the positions of the sticks:---------- more ----------#include "USI_TWI_Slave/USI_TWI_Slave.c" #define BUTTONS_COUNT...
  • Math Quiz Game

  • Source code: (main program) (EEPROM programmer) Details: The code which interfaces with Nokia 5110 LCD was written from ground up. Both math questions and music data are...
  • 8085 code to display static text

  • In order to show something on the screen (something static as READY P0 from one of the pictures) we need to repeat below code 8 times - for every horizontal of the screen (LEDs and 7-segment indicators are horizontal 0): 3E MVI A,10h ; write XXXXO to...