
13 Results for "music"

  • USB Laser harp

  • Laser harp using MIDI to USB interface, possibly using raspberry pi or arduino as translator. NEED HELP!
    • 4
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  • julian

  • I am a musician at heart, but my passion for music has transformed into a deeper understanding of frequencies and electronics.
  • Stefan Antoszko

  • Interests in analog synths and embedded devices. I like making musical and non-musical synths and noisemakers.
  • Laurent

  • I'm a juggler and I discovered computer science in 2007 with GNU/Linux. Now I particularly like embedded systems, uC...
  • LC

  • Hardware hacker. Love the interface between man and machine. I have not met a MCU, FPGA, or UI or Music Interface I did not like
  • ericmitc

  • A mechanical engineer with a passion for electronics and computer science. I spend my time repairing and hacking electronics