• The most anticipated 2019 solo-player games on PC

    12/18/2018 at 14:00 0 comments

    Part of the hits of 2018 has already come out, part - more will please us in the next couple of months. However, it is time to look into the more distant future and take up budget planning for future projects. So, we present to your attention the twenty of the most anticipated games of 2019 on the PC.Though it seems to me that I should have a rather poerfull pc configuration to enjoy these games - https://www.bestadvisers.co.uk/best-gaming-pcs.

    3. Metro: Exodus

    The post-apocalyptic shooter telling about the journey of the main characters through Russia destroyed by a nuclear war did not get to the release on the PC and consoles this year - the authors postponed the game until February 2019.

    However, this may be for the better, because Metro: Exodus will not only capture you with an interesting plot and diverse gameplay, but also become a serious challenge for your computers - the game can boast support for all modern graphics technologies, including ray tracing in real time. So you still have time to upgrade.

    2. Resident Evil 2 Remake

    Who would have thought that one of the top leaders of the most anticipated PC games would be a remake? The announcement of the Resident Evil 2 Remake at E3 2018 showed that anything is possible, including this.

    It is difficult to call a remake of the game, as the developers completely remade it, getting rid of the fixed camera and changing some scenes. In fact, RE 2 Remake is a new game created on the basis of the old - so much serious work has been done on the graphics and gameplay. But the plot remains the same, so we are again waiting for a zombie-filled Raccoon City with iconic locations - the police station, sewage, and so on. If the game becomes successful (and it becomes), then the release of the third part of the remake will be only a matter of time. The release is scheduled for January 25, 2019.

    1. Cyberpunk 2077

    In compiling last year’s list of expected games, we doubted that Cyberpunk 2077 would be released in 2018. The doubts were confirmed: CD Studio Projekt RED did not release the game, but began a massive advertising campaign (including the gameplay showed), so now there is little more confidence in its soon release.

    In Cyberpunk 2077 gamers are waiting for a non-linear story, the events of which unfold, depending on the decisions made, charismatic characters, a believable “adult” world, a deep RPG-system, detailed combat and beautiful graphics. The success of The Witcher 3 in this case gives developers a huge credit of trust from the gaming community, but at the same time poses a serious challenge - they will have to try hard to surpass their previous game.

    The list did not include all the expected singles of 2019: for sure we will see many more good projects - some of them have not yet been announced, some are still too little known. Well, if you are interested in not only single, but also multiplayer, then be sure to check out the similar selection of expected online games.