
Initial Chord Map

A project log for Modern Braille Workflow

The Modern Braille Workflow provides an alternative way to interact with a computer, using modular components.

danny-caudillDanny Caudill 04/29/2016 at 03:200 Comments

Here is a first draft of the Chord Map, including all the English characters, the numbers 0 - 9, and the most common punctuation (I double-checked all of them, but there still may be errors). There are still lots of chords available, and it does not include any of the extended characters that include the 4th row of dots.

I had started writing code for a chording app that used a standard keyboard a few months ago, but I did not get very far. One of the challenges was finding a suitable way to detect simultaneous key presses and then detect when a chord was released. I came up with several algorithms, and I think I will end up implementing a couple of them.

In one scheme, I keep a list of key presses, and then when the first key is released, I note which keys are in the list. In another scheme, I ignore key presses, and keep a list of key releases that occur within a predetermined time interval. I am not sure which will be the most robust.

I would like the MBrailleW Chording Software to work on all the common platforms (Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and maybe even Android and iOS). For the first implementation, I am thinking of making a web app. I have the start to that code from a previous project, but it is nonfunctional and incomplete. It may be a good starting point, or I may just start from scratch and use that only for lessons-learned.

Have a great day!
