

A wearable LED device with show controllable system

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The project is trying to build a show-controllable LED wearable System for dance performance purpose.
I am trying to explain How I solve the issue, and the detail of the hardware and software.

Firefly is a multimedia dance performance. it simulate 2 firefly, glowing in the dark.

to make the dancers glowing. I use 2 Raspberry Pi 3 to drive the LED control. and QLab as a show control core.

Music 音楽; Hiromi Uehara 上原廣美 ~Firefly 蛍火蟲~

Sound Arrangement and Editing 音樂統籌及編排; Yuh Egami 江上悠

Lighting Design 燈光設計; Ng Choi-Long 伍在朗

Multimedia Engineer 多媒體工程師; James kong kin-sin 江景先

Performers 演出; Yui Sugawara 菅原愉依* Wu Cheng-fang 吳承芳

Choreographer 編舞; Yuh Egami 江上悠*

Premiere: 8.7.2016 with E-side Dance Company's "Outshine"

Venue: Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre

Length: 13 minutes

初演: 8.7.2016 東邊舞蹈團製作 "逆蹈場"

劇場: 牛池灣文娛中心劇院

節目長: 13分鐘

*With a kind permission of Hong Kong Ballet

©tHinKtanz all rights reserved.

View all 6 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Hardware ingredient

    • Fadecandy
    • Raspberry Pi 3
    • WS2812B LED String 64 pixel (1m 144 px)
    • mirco USE Cable
    • 5V USB Battery

  • 2
    Step 2

    Setup your Pi

    sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
     ssid="<YOUR WFI SSID>"
    sudo raspi-config
    sudo apt-get install git
    git clone
  • 3
    Step 3

    setup fadecandy:

    git clone git://
    cd fadecandy/server
    make submodules
    make sudo mv fcserver /usr/local/bin sudo nano /etc/rc.local #paste /usr/local/bin/fcserver /usr/local/bin/fcserver.json >/var/log/fcserver.log 2>&1 &
    sudo nano /usr/local/bin/fcserver.json

    Copy and paste the following block into the new file:

    update serial to your fadecandy serial number

    	"listen": [null, 7890],
    	"verbose": true,
    	"color": {
    		"gamma": 2.5,
    		"whitepoint": [0.7, 0.7, 0.7]
    	"devices": [
    			"type": "fadecandy",
    			"serial": "<you fadecandy serail number>",
    			"map": [
    				[ 0,    0,   0, 60 ],
    				[ 0,   60,  64, 60 ],
    				[ 0,  120, 128, 60 ],
    				[ 0,  180, 192, 60 ],
    				[ 0,  240, 256, 60 ],
    				[ 0,  300, 320, 60 ],
    				[ 0,  360, 384, 60 ],
    				[ 0,  420, 448, 60 ]

View all 8 instructions

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James Kong wrote 10/16/2016 at 16:46 point

thanks simon

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Mangus Tiranus wrote 10/16/2016 at 10:05 point

Very cool, i like this :D

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