1Mounting of variable capacitor and band switch
Tuning capacitor is EF Johnson 100FD20, P/N 155-503.
Note 6:1 Vernier reduction drive at bottom of box. https://mgs4u.com/product/vernier-reduction-drive-14-inch-to-14-inch/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhZadw4jT4wIVgp6fCh37pAwMEAQYASABEgLknPD_BwE
Shaft of variable capacitor sticks through top of box (not shown) and provides a pointer to indicate capacitor position.
RF transmitting switch is from Fair Radio Sales (P/N 3Z9605). Very inexpensive.
Doorknob capacitors (not installed yet) are type HT50 RF NPO. They come from Surplus Sales of Nebraska (50 pf part number CFC-HT580050-75).
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