
Hackaday Belgrade 2020

Hackaday Europe Biennial

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We're sad to announce that the 2020 Hackaday Belgrade conference will not take place on May 9th as planned. Due to the ongoing spread of the coronovirus, we feel it is unwise to put so many fantastic people at risk. We are still committed to hosting our biennial European conference in Belgrade this year. We will announce a new date as soon as the danger has passed and we can rebook the venue. Until then, thank you for your understanding and keep on hacking!

Hackaday Belgrade is back for its third edition.

Stay tuned for more details!

UPDATE: Call for proposals is now live:

UPDATE #2: Tickets are now on sale:


Parking (Paid):

  • Car Park Politika (Address: Makedonska br. 29)
  • Garage Pionirski Park (Address: Dragoslava Jovanovića 2)
  • Garage Obilićev Venac ( Address: Obilićev venac 14 – 16, Access point to the garage is off the Maršala Birjuzova Street)

Tickets for Students & Children:

  • All ages are welcomed at Hackaday Belgrade
  • Tickets are free for babies
  • Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult
  • Children tickets are 50% regular-priced General Admission
  • Student tickets are 50% regular-priced General Admission

Travel and Lodging:

  • Train Stations: Serbian Railways - The closest train stations to the Dom Omladine are the Vukov Monument Train Station (2.3km), and the Belgrade Centre Railway Station (3.5km)
  • Bus: Belgrade Bus Station (BAS) - The closest bus station to the Dom Omladine is the Main Bus Station Belgrade Address: Železnička 4 (1.3km)
  • Lodging: There are several hotels to choose from since the venue is in the center of the city.
  • Flights: The closest airport is the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (BEG) is located approximately 18km from the Dom Omladine.


  • Workshop tickets will be available in early April

Additional Questions:


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Slobodan wrote 12/27/2020 at 16:22 point

Is there any news about when the conference will be held in Belgrade ?

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d0ct0r 1n5an3 wrote 06/21/2020 at 16:17 point

Ima li ikakvih vesti o tome kada će se hackaday održati u Beogradu? Hvala! 

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morgan wrote 02/17/2020 at 21:46 point

Howdy folks! I'm planning on coming out from California and will be booking my ticket soon. I'm thinking of Wednesday before to the Tuesday/Wednesday after. Wondering if other people plan to stay in town that late, if anyone is interested in splitting accommodations, any recommendations for things to do outside the conf in the area.

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morgan wrote 02/25/2020 at 03:23 point

I'm comin' for ya Belgrade! Flight booked, accommodations booked, might inform work I'm leaving... See you there!

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