
Wearable Latte Panda Alpha 864

I have a ankle monitor for DWI and after wearing it for a few months it really doesn't bother me at all. Its the perfect strap for wearable

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Okay so if I replace the unit that tests my sweat for alcohol with a Latte Panda Alpha 864, or other SBC, how worried should I be about electric shock. What if someone finds out it's down there with a shit ton of voltage and throws a bucket of water on it . What if I fall into a swimming pool or other body of water. Does this element of danger make my wearable PC a death trap? I'm sure that someone has dropped a laptop into a swimming pool at some point on accident. Would a MacBook (very similar to LatPan alpha) carry enough current to electrocute someone if they dropped it into the bathtub while they were working while bathing?

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