1Step 1
GitHub hosts the complete project, it should be ready to synthesize and flash.
Lattice Diamond 3.11 for Windows is the toolchain I used. There is a Linux version for it.
Connect the secondary UART channel to pin 73 and 74 by shorting R14 and R15 on the lower side of the board.
I used an 8 MHz crystal oscillator, other frequencies can be used. You then need to change the relevant parameter in the PLL component.
Local oscillator frequency is generated by an NCO. It is a 64 bit register, we add a constant to it at every clock cycle, therefore its value is 2^64 * Fout / Fclock. In Python with a 80 MHz clock, 1 MHz NCO can be calculated with
print(hex(pow(2,64) * 1000000 // 80000000))
Internal oscillator can be +-15% off. Measure the actual frequency or receive a test signal and calibrate. Selectivity is not so good so it should be easy to find a station.
Reception of MW and LW station is better after sunset, propagation brings very strong signals from far away.
Use an online SDR close to you to have an idea of the stronger signals. https://sdr.hu/
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