
April Soil Moisture Sensor

Soil moisture sensor Wi-Fi enabled. It's based on Espressif's ESP32 S2 SoC and uses capacitive moisture probing.

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Soil moisture sensor Wi-Fi enabled. It's based on Espressif's ESP32 S2 SoC and uses capacitive moisture probing. Also provide temperature sensor.

### Hardware ###

* ESP32 S2 module x 1
* Reset button x 1
* Boot Button x 1 (GPIO0)
* Functional button x 1 (GPIO2)
* Programming pinouts which adapter for ESP Flasher
* Led x 1
* temperature sensor x 1 (tmp112)
* Soil moisture sensor x 1 (PCB sensor uses capacitive moisture probing)
* Lithium Battery holder x 1
* USB Type-C for programming and battery charge

The project is modifying of the I2C Moisture Sensor project from Miceuz. Thanks for his source code



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