
avr-quantizer - a quantizer with arbitrary bins

A leightweight C library to convert a large range of values into a small range of numbers

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Generating arbitrary values from a small range of input values is easy with look up tables (LUTs). The reverse operation, condensing a large set of values into a small range, is typically either computation intensive (linear search through all values) or memory intensive (requires a LUT with 1000s of entries).

avr-quantizer converts arbitrary values into a compact range (0..n) efficently with neither drawback. The value ranges assigned to each output ("binning") is fully user defined and semi-automatically generated by the included excel file. Possible applications include identifying resistor values (E-series) or assigning the nearest octave in audio processing.

Key Features:
- flexible: easy custom LUTs with the included excel file
- accurate: less than ±0.4% quantisation error
- lightweight: function typ.

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