Quantity   Component name
1 × R1, 10K ohm 0805 resistor Reset pull-up resistor, optional
1 × R2, 330 ohm 0805 resistor part of the reset push button circuit, optional
1 × R3, 2k ohm 0805 resistor value may need to be tweaked depending on model of USB to serial converter used.
1 × R4, 1k ohm 0805 resistor
1 × D1, 0805 LED
2 × C1, C3 1 uF 0805 ceramic capacitors Capacitors / Other
1 × C2 .1 uf 0805 ceramic capacitor optional filter capacitor
2 × 14-pin 2.54 mm pin headers
1 × 2-pin 2.54 mm pin header
1 × 2x2-pin 2.54 mm pin headers
1 × 2x3-pin 2.54 mm pin header
1 × 4-pin 2.54 mm pin header
1 × SMD push-button switch https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1068215251.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.3d2a4c4dJ8jSCE reset circuit, optional