
MAP6 Maker Bee

Honey Bee shaped 555 Blinky course ware for Maker's Asylum Electronics course.

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Honey Bee shaped 555 blinky course ware for Maker's Asylum Electronics course.

Maker's Asylum Project #6


Two LED's with series current limit resistors
Two CR2032 Coin Battery or two CR2016 cells in a single 2032 holder
Vibration motor to move the honey bee.
555 timer controls current flowing through transistor, for "breathing LED" effect
Vibration motor intensity changes in sync with LED effect.
Uses 555 as astable multivibrator with minor mods (see schematic)


How to Solder
Resistor Color Code
Use of Multimeter to check LED, Resistor and Battery

MakerBee is a 555 timer controlled vibrobot. The 555 is a timer IC used in it's astable multivibrator mode which causes the LED and the vibrating motor to go on and off at a particular time for short duration or in intervals which causes it to move like a bug. It is powered by two coin cell batteries. The eyes of the bot have a breathing LED effect i.e the LEDs fade in and fade out.

Made at Maker’s Asylum by passionate makers who not only love making things but also passing on their knowledge and sharing skills. Maker’s Asylum is India’s first open makerspace that started out of a little garage back in 2013 and over the years has trained thousands of people on skills related to hardware, design and programming!

Start your maker journey with the Maker Bee! #makersgonnamake



Adobe Portable Document Format - 64.22 kB - 12/04/2021 at 11:44



Blender animation

MPEG-4 Video - 2.96 MB - 12/04/2021 at 11:39



Blender animation

MPEG-4 Video - 2.73 MB - 12/04/2021 at 11:39



Some Blender animations

MPEG-4 Video - 1.05 MB - 12/04/2021 at 11:38


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