
Standing Panda - A not so smart smart-desk

A standing desk built from scratch using mild steel, Knysna blackwood, 1500N Linear Actuators, ESP32, and some other stuff.

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How hard could it be to build a standing desk? Well the answer is that it is not easy.

I wanted a desk which was 2.2m long and built from mild steel and dark wood. Naturally this would end up being a heavy desk. 100Kgs by the end of the day.

The desk is controlled by an ESP32 which hosts a VUE web app (Squeezing this onto the < 2MB of flash was a real mission). I used an accelerometer to calculate the desk's lean/tilt and used these values to perform safety checks during operation. The height is measured with a TOF sensor and the motors were supposed to be controlled my an H-Bridge, but I didn't read the user manual. As such I found out a bit late that the H-Bridge has an internal 2V voltage drop, so I rigged a 4 channel relay into a hacky H-Bridge. The 4 Channel relay was supposed to be used with electro magnets for stability but it ended up not being necessary.

I've added a video to the github readme.
  • 18 × 5x40mm angle bar Mild Steel
  • 6 × 50mm flat bar Mild Steel
  • 6 × 20mm flat bar Mild Steel
  • 5 × Knysna Darkwood 3m (PAR)
  • 4 × 45cm Draw Runners

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