
Pilot - Sound Reactive Neopixel Lamp

Desktop Sound Reactive Lamp featuring two 12bit Sound Reactive Neo-Rings

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Pilot is a desktop RGB lamp featuring two independent 12bit Neo-Ring boards that performs light patterns based on ambient sound.

You can find more info about the boards in this page:

It has 5 different light patterns: four based on the sound pressure received, and the last one that shows a spectrum analyzer from 20Hz to 2KHz. You can switch between modes using a button on the back. More detail in this video:

The lamp is connected via micro-USB and needs a power supply that guarantees at least 1 Amp of power.

It's 3D printed with PLA material, using three different matte colors.
  • 2 × STM32F070F6P6
  • 24 × WS2812B
  • 2 × GS8632C-SR
  • 2 × Electret mic

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