

Flappy Bird with a pixel

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The goal is to fit a Flappy Bird style game into a 1KB program space using an Attiny13 / ATTiny25 chip.

The methods I am going to use to slim down code routines is to use external components such as a shift register and a decade counter to auto increment the position, and thus reduce the data held in arrays, or functions and operations. The other method I am also using to slim code is to mix assembly in so as to slim the amount of instructions run.

  • 1 × 74HC595 Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 1 × ATTiny13 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × 8x8 led matrix Displays
  • 8 × Resistors Passive
  • 1 × CD4017 Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components

View all 8 components

  • First bit of stuff

    Reece12/02/2016 at 22:19 0 comments

    So I have been getting the main parts of the code done over the last few days. I have most of the setup code and some main functions, like one to scroll the screen and the shift register functions working. This part of the program takes about +-396KB and about 15 bytes SRAM.

    I have also tested the interrupt driving user input for controlling the pixel character. This works well and having the character move without the use of 'float' variable types, and only using a delay of 100mS between display functions, gives a nice falling or climbing effect.

    I have to now get a video uploaded and also test the sound output and then the integration of the decade counter.

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