• First steps

    Robert01/01/2023 at 21:50 0 comments

    This is my first time trying to build anything electronic in a long time, so I've got a refresher/learning curve ahead of me. Over a decade ago my roommate and I started building an underwater ROV with an early Arduino board, and I gotta say, the tools have become much more accessible than I remember. The Raspberry Pi Pico W is ridiculously cheap for what it can do, and I hear rumors the ESP32 is even cheaper.

    So far I've:

    • Installed the Arduino IDE and run a small webserver on the Pico W
    • Controlled a single DC motor using the DRV8833 motor driver and power from the Pico
    • Salvaged a computer PSU for 12V to open and close the claw
    • Started some OpenSCAD models for the trolley

    The pieces are coming together slowly.