
Anachronistic Computer

A retro computer design: the dream computer from the mid 1980s

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Imagine being the head of Commodore or Atari or Acorn or Sinclair! Your job is to create the next big thing after the 8-bit micros run their course.

Imagine having infinite resources! Imagine having access to a chip factory and as many engineers you wish. Imagine having the hind-sight of today and being able to make all the good calls.

What computer would you design? What would your bet be for the amazing, earth-shattering, revolutionary computer of the mid-80s be?

This project is about that: designing a computer today, that could have been the follow-on to the Commodore 64 and the Atari 800 and the BBC micro and the Spectrum.

Something that would have been possible for a mid '80s market introduction, say in the same year as the Mac: 1984. Except better. Much, much better.

Let's dream!

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