
Hi-Fi system V.2

It's a 70W stereo Hi-Fi system based on two TDA7294 IC with four audio sources: Bluetooth, Jack, Phono and Radio.

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There was now a long time ago that I’m passionate about music and electronics. And, two years ago, I decided to merge these two passions to create my own first Hi-Fi system. This article speaks about the second version, which I started a year ago.

In a first time, there is the main point that the Hi-Fi must respected :

-four audio sources (Bluetooth, radio, jack, phono).
-An audio power of 70W
-A current consumption of zero when the system was off.
-A clean user interface with ergonomic control
-A rather nice and worked look
-A very reliable and secure system

The system includes 4 printed circuits board :

-The Linear alimentation
-The symmetrical alimentation
-The motherboard
-The alimentation board

You can see on the picture 5, a diagram detailing the way the circuits are interconnected to understand how the Hi-Fi system work.

The project will be updated regularly with new details and files.

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