Here's how it works:
1. Sign up for the app (easy peasy!)
2. Someone fires up a case and invites other folks to join.
3. Our friendly chatbot asks each person to describe the issue at hand (one issue per case, please).
4. The chatbot then summarizes each response and checks back - just to make sure we've got it right.
5. The chatbot puts its thinking cap on, compares the summaries, and suggests the issue to be tackled.
6. If people don't agree on the issue, no worries! We just go back to step 3.

Next, we hold the hearings:
1. Each person gets their own chatroom to make their case.
2. The chatbot does its magic, outlining each person's arguments and saving them to our Firebase database.
3. Once all cases are outlined, the chatbot compares points from each chatroom and might have some follow-up questions.
4. No more questions? Skip to the next section.
5. If we do have questions, they're sent to the right person, and we loop back to step 1 in this section.

Then comes the verdict:
1. The chatbot mulls over the arguments and comes up with a decision or award.

To wrap things up:
1. We ask if everyone accepts the chatbot's decision. If not, we connect you with local arbitrators and attorneys.

I'd love to hear from you! Any and all feedback is welcome. Thanks a bunch!