
KhordUino (badminton stringing machine)

The KhordUino project is a mostly 3D printed and Arduino controlled badminton stringing machine.

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Stringing machines usually comprises of a sturdy metal frame, clamps to hold strings in place and a tensioning system to tighten strings. Electronic models have control panels for precision stringing but do cost a lot more.

The KhordUino design is quite different from most metal frame stringing machines. In these machines, the rotating joint for the frame is quite far from the tensioning plane.
This is required to give access to the underside of the racket face and move the clamps.

In order to not require large metal components the rotating element (holding the racket) and the part pulling on the strings should be aligned as much as possible to minimise the moment.

In the KhordUino design this is achieved by keeping the machine quite flat (which is also great for storage). The rotation joint is kept very close to the racket face.

In this design the rotation joint is kept very close to the racket face. This can only be achieved by using a large bearing "around" the racket rather than underneath it.

As the rotating joint and the tensioning part of the machine are almost in the same plane the resulting Moment is greatly reduced.

Since there is no base plate beneath the racket for fixed clamps, stringing necessitates the use of flying clamps. 
These flying clamps can be employed either from above, which is more convenient for cross strings, or from below, which is preferable for the main strings.

String tension is electronically regulated and adjustable, ranging from very low tension (approximately 18 lbs) to very high tension (e.g 34 lbs). 
Moreover, it provides the option to easily pre-stretch the strings by an additional x% if desired.

The control of the machine is through a straightforward interface featuring three buttons and an LCD screen. 
This interface allows for setup adjustments, self-testing, and stringing functions.

Before use, it is required to perform a one-time calibration of the machine's load cell using a separate tension measuring device, such as a luggage scale, to ensure accurate tension readings.

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