
Everyday AI Keyboard

An interactive mechanical keyboard powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico W and ChatGPT

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This is a custom mechanical keyboard powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico W. The wireless access allows it to be a ChatGPT reference keyboard, where with the flip of a switch the keyboard can type its text to ChatGPT and get a response typed back.

After building the Haunted Keyboard I decided it was time to take a crack at my second PCB and integrate a more all purpose use AI. While the Haunted Keyboard generates a spooky message in response to typed text, this board will query ChatGPT with whatever I type without the haunted vibe. 

I want to enable and disable the AI element with a dedicated switch. Also this board will have per key LEDs, and at least a 65% percent layout. I may retain the split spacebar, or take up stabilizers. There will also be a plate between the switches and the PCB, probably made out of PCB itself. This board will be black, instead of green, and I'm prepared to wait the extra few days for it to happen. 

The board will also have a small OLED screen for displaying the AI responses, and a joystick for mouse movement, because I really want one. I'd like to be able to set the keyboard in my lap and type without having to reach over to my mouse for things that I can't navigate to with the keyboard. I think a joystick will solve that issue. 

The case will be made out of clear printed resin, I believe. Or it will be black, I haven't decided yet. 

List of resources

Everything in the Haunted Keyboard resources list, plus the following.


  • The OLED is here

    Mx. Jack Nelson11/03/2023 at 18:08 0 comments

    Last night I received the tiniest OLED screen I've ever seen. It will take up less space than a 2u key. I hooked it up today, and after some fiddling by @Steph to find a solution for pins being held on when the Pico does a soft reset (hint, it's this line of code) I got it working.


    Here is the demo code for the display, including some forced text wrapping. 

    import board
    import busio
    import digitalio
    import displayio
    from adafruit_display_text import label
    from adafruit_displayio_ssd1306 import SSD1306
    import terminalio
    import time
    # Define your pins
    dc_pin = board.GP20  # Data/Command
    cs_pin = board.GP13  # Chip Select
    reset_pin = board.GP21  # Reset
    # Release any resources currently in use for the displays
    # Create the SPI bus
    spi = busio.SPI(clock=board.GP10, MOSI=board.GP11)
    # Create the display bus
    display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=dc_pin, chip_select=cs_pin, reset=reset_pin)
    # Create the display instance
    display = SSD1306(display_bus, width=128, height=64)
    # Create a display group
    splash = displayio.Group()
    # Add the display group to the display
    # Define the max width in pixels for the text to wrap
    max_width_pixels = 128
    # Estimate the max number of glyphs based on an average character width of 6 pixels
    average_character_width = 6  # This is an estimate; adjust for your specific font
    max_glyphs = max_width_pixels // average_character_width
    # Function to wrap text manually while respecting manual line breaks
    def wrap_text_to_width(text, max_chars):
        paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')  # Split on double line breaks to preserve paragraphs
        wrapped_paragraphs = []
        for paragraph in paragraphs:
            lines = []
            line = []
            words = paragraph.split()
            for word in words:
                # Check if adding the next word would exceed the max width
                if sum(len(w) for w in line) + len(line) + len(word) > max_chars:
                    lines.append(' '.join(line))
                    line = [word]
            lines.append(' '.join(line))  # Add the last line
            wrapped_paragraphs.append('\n'.join(lines))  # Rejoin lines with single line break
        return '\n\n'.join(wrapped_paragraphs)  # Rejoin paragraphs with double line breaks
    # Define the text with manual double line breaks
    text_string = "Hello, World!\n\nTamagotchis are the best and the text wrap starts here"
    # Use the wrap function to wrap the text and preserve manual line breaks
    wrapped_text = wrap_text_to_width(text_string, max_glyphs)
    # Create a label with the wrapped text
    text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=wrapped_text, line_spacing=0.9)
    # Set the location of the text
    text_area.x = 0
    text_area.y = 5
    # Add this label to the display group
    # Run the display loop
    while True:

  • Alright, stabilizers

    Mx. Jack Nelson11/02/2023 at 16:55 0 comments

    Everyone agrees, big keys need stabilizers. I've flown without them because technically 2u keys work without them, and my keyboards have been small enough to only use 1u and 2u keys. But this board will have a standard space bar, which is 6.25u, and four 2u or larger keys, so it's time to graduate to stabilizers. 

    Today I'm researching the difference between plate mount and PCB mount stabilizers. This article has a very good breakdown of the differences and comparisons between them. The cutout that I'm using for the plate supports PCB or plate mounted stabilizers, but I still have to choose a version and what orientation they're going to be in.

    I'm leaning towards PCB mounted stabilizers, but am not sure that I want to have to screw them all in. Then again, why not, I'm making the PCB so I might as well accommodate for PCB mounted stabs. Decisions. 

  • Plate me

    Mx. Jack Nelson11/01/2023 at 19:43 0 comments

    Today I learned to generate a .dxf of my keyboard plate layout and use KiCad to render that layout in 3D. 

    Since I'm using KLE for this key layout I was able to copy the raw data into the Swillkb Plate & Case Builder. There I specified the radius of the corners, the margin size, and where to create cutouts for the joystick and OLED screen. I'm not entirely sure on the dimensions of those cutouts, I'll be more accurate when the parts come in. I still need to add mounting holes, but this is a start to creating the plate out of PCB.

  • First comes the joystick

    Mx. Jack Nelson11/01/2023 at 02:34 0 comments

    A bizarre place to start for a mechanical keyboard, I know, but I have a navigation device in mind for this board and I wanted to build the key layout around it. My first joystick was salvaged from a flea market controller, but I have a couple more on order that have a clicking button in them as well. This one does not. But having it allowed me to hook up the joystick to the Pi Pico W and use it to control the mouse on my screen. With a little refinement of the variables I'm pleased to say it's a very comfortable navigation experience. I can't wait till I get one that clicks. 

    Here's the demo code to get the joystick working. 

    import time
    import board
    import analogio
    import usb_hid
    from adafruit_hid.mouse import Mouse
    # Create the mouse object
    mouse = Mouse(usb_hid.devices)
    # Create analog inputs for the two joystick axes
    joystick_x = analogio.AnalogIn(board.GP26)
    joystick_y = analogio.AnalogIn(board.GP27)
    # Constants
    CENTER_TOLERANCE = 2500  # adjust this if needed
    MOVE_AMOUNT = 8 # change for faster/slower mouse movement
    def get_movement(value):
        # If the joystick is near the center, don't move
        if abs(value - 32768) < CENTER_TOLERANCE:
            return 0
        # Return -MOVE_AMOUNT or MOVE_AMOUNT depending on the joystick's position
        return -MOVE_AMOUNT if value < 32768 else MOVE_AMOUNT
    while True:
        # Get the change in X and Y positions
        dx = get_movement(joystick_x.value)
        dy = get_movement(joystick_y.value)
        # Move the mouse
        mouse.move(x=dx, y=dy)

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