Quantity   Component name
1 × 10"x10" of 1/4" Acrylic sheet, with paper backing Ivory or translucent white, eBay ($4.50) or local sign shop.
1 × Double link textured chain 10mm links, Jewelry section of eBay ($4)
2 × Small 1/2" screw eyes Lowes, Home Depot, or eBay
1 × LED string lights 2 meters, containing 20-ish LEDs (eBay $3)
1 × Small proto board eBay ($1)
1 × Arduino nano eBay ($2)
1 × Acrylic solvent MEC or gel, eBay ($8) or local hardware store
1 × Headphones For speaker and wiring
1 × Stereo jack
2 × 100 ohm resistors
2 × Type AA lithium batteries
1 × Micro switch