Quantity   Component name
1 × STM8S103F3 breadboard Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / Microcontrollers (MCUs)
1 × nRF24L01+ Nordic's 2.4GHz Radio Transceiver
1 × STM8L151F3 Low Power 8bit Microcontrollers in TSSOP20 Package
1 × BME280 Sensor for Temperature, Humidity, Pressure
1 × MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor
1 × MRMS211H Magnetic Switch Sensor
1 × Fixed Node PCB PCB for the STM8S and nRF
1 × Wireless Node PCB PCB for the STM8L and Sensors
1 × Serial to USB converter Easier connection of the fixed node PCB to the Raspberry Pi
1 × Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Reference model for all of the SW installations and tests
1 × WS2812B for the Fixed Node Status indication, or as Smart Light
1 × nRF24L01+ PA LNA used for the RPi RF dongle (metal isolation required)