So it turns out there are a bunch more digital modes that this beacon can transmit. Digging into the original project by Etherkit here, there's a related link that shows Hellschreiber. Checking out Etherkits' github page shows two Arduino libraries:
- Si5351 Library -
- JTEncode Library -
The JTEncode library offers JT65, JT9, JT4, or WSPR as well as FSQ at 2, 3, 4.5 and 6 baud. Looks like most of my heavy lifting is done on the Arduino side. Which is great I can repurpose the beacon depending on the sketch I load onto it. I haven't played much with the weak signal modes yet, it's on my TODO, but I'm trying to limit myself to a defined set of projects I can realistically complete rather than go down many tangents.
Hi Scott, really glad you found my libraries useful. I wanted to let you know that I also sell a Si5351 Breakout Board, and I have one with a TCXO reference oscillator, which would be perfect for 2 meter usage because of the stability it provides. I will also be rolling out a new feature soon, where each of my Si5351A Breakout Boards will have a frequency calibration report included, so that you don't have to worry about measuring that yourself. Thanks!