Quantity   Component name
2 × Adafruit Huzzah Feather Needed for Base Unit and Kitchen Unit
1 × Adafruit RFM69 32u4 Feather Needed for Compost Unit
1 × Compost Unit 3D prints see GitHub for STl files
1 × Compost Bin any large compost tumbler will do.
1 × Base unit case see GitHub for STL files
1 × Assorted cables (solid and stranded wire), headers, resistors, etc Details about the needed components will be listed in the build instructions
1 × Rubber spray-on Used to water proof 3D prints
2 × USB wall chargers and cables For Base System and to recharge LiPo battery in kitchen system
1 × Adafruit TFT Featherwing Needed for Kitchen Unit
1 × 7mm tall (6mm x 6mm base) tactile button Needed for Kitchen unit - wake-up button
1 × 6mm tall (6mm x 6mm) tactile button Needed for Base unit - reset button
1 × SPDT Slide Switch Kitchen Unit on/off switch
1 × 0.1uF capacitor Kitchen Unit - for batter measurements
1 × Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 500mAh Kitchen Unit
1 × Kitchen Unit case See GitHub for STL files
1 × 3mm Red/Yellow-Green RGB Base Unit status indicator
1 × SG90 Micro Servo Motor 9G Compost Unit - Controls air vent
1 × Mounting Putty, Silicone compound, glue, etc
1 × Hand tools (drills, screwdrivers, soldering iron, etc)
1 × Heat shrink and heat gun
1 × DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensors Compost Unit - Measures Compost Temp
1 × DFRobot Gravity: Analog Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor- Corrosion Resistant Compost Unit - Measures Compost Moisture
1 × Micro Submersible Water Pump DC 2.5-6V Compost Unit - Water pump to hydrate compost
1 × JST 2-pin cable Compost Unit - to connect battery
1 × Tilt Switch Compost Unit - Determine compost bin position
1 × TIP120 Darlington transistors Compost Unit - for water pump
1 × 470uF capacitor Compost Unit - for servo
1 × Silicone Adhesive to seal 3D prints
1 × Rubber Spray On Coating Used to weather-proof the electronics box used in the Compost Bin. I used Flex Seal -> https://www.target.com/p/as-seen-on-tv-174-flex-seel-aerosol-can-14oz/-/A-14028913?sid=1430S&ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Kitchen+Shopping_Local&adgroup=SC_Kitchen&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=9026937&gclid=CjwKCAjw64bPBRApEiwAJhG-fp0v4YcBCb9MpoSqDkfArNVC_BmjwsiXnM5B_zF7GW_6izFhk7t8YBoCOMsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
1 × 5-6 feet of Vinyl Hose (3/8 in inner diameter) Be sure to check the outer diameter of your pump. This hose will attach to the pump
1 × 1 foot 1 1/4 inches spa hose Used to connect the reservoir to the spigot
1 × Adafruit RFMM68 Feather Wing Needed for Base Unit
1 × Waterproof 3xAA Battery Holder with On/Off Compost Unit - powers unit
1 × 1N4001 Diode Compost Unit - for pump
1 × Water Level Sensor Vertical Float Switch Compost Unit - to determine water level
1 × Slimline water container Compost Unit - water reservoir
3 × Plastic soda bottle tops Used for 3D prints