Smartphone / Tablet Control: just URLs, not an app
08/21/2014 at 01:15 • 0 commentsI have decided that in lieu of developing a custom app - which is overkill - managing the devices will, at launch, consist only of going to specific URLs to trigger specific routines on the connected devices.
For example: going to (URL) with a specific authentication will cause all units to reset, or go into low-power-shutdown, etc.
This functionality is baked in to the Spark Core cloud. Spark's Reference Documentation
There isn't any need for the management interface to do much more for basic functionality, so that will be all that is needed for now.
Essentially, it takes any kind of mobile app development out of scope but still allows any mobile device (or computer) to trigger important functions.
What is Working So Far
08/21/2014 at 01:07 • 0 commentsWhat is working:
- A test area is organized. A local paintball arena and a local Airsoft field are on board for testing the system.
- Impact sensors (two different kinds - piezo and vibe sensor based.) Reliable and working beautifully.
- Spark Cores are programmed and talking to one another and publishing "push" events to the cloud.
- Power source and recharging method decided.
- Low-power mode for recharging, and for auto-off working.
- Laser-cut light diffuser for use in the box tops - frosted Dura-Lar works great.
- Software roadmap and feature list completed as a result.
Here is a Spark Core test setup, making sure all the right things are possible software-wise.
What is next:
- Mechanical design and layout of the Button Boxes and Button Posts.
- Half the hardware is on hand, the others are being narrowed down from a short-list.
- PCB design once the rest of the electronics are designed and confirmed good.
- Ordering remaining parts for prototypes.
Prototype Definition (how many of what is being made?)
08/21/2014 at 00:57 • 0 commentsThe Game Lights! design is flexible and allows for many or few elements to be used. I am building one of each piece of hardware, except where more than one would be a) fun or b) useful.
- One Button Post
- One (possibly two) Button Boxes
- One Target Box
- One Ceiling Score Light
This lineup is sufficient to demo all aspects of the system.
Licenses applicable to the Project
08/21/2014 at 00:53 • 0 comments- Spark core hardware and software is published under Creative Commons, AGPL/LGPL licenses. https://www.spark.io/features
- Game Lights! software and hardware design files will be published with a Creative Commons license, except where inapplicable in which case it a BSD license will apply.
- No other software libraries are in scope at this time.