Here is the diference between our printer and the rest.
Double stainless steel sheet, reducing to 0 the shaking of the Z structure that normally happens on a normal I3 at high speeds.
Dual Z guide and belt tensioners in all belts. This will let you control the tension on your belts and the double Z guide will let you give even more pressure without bending the guides. Its extremelly important for the CNC function.
Y axis metal Plates. The normal Y axis are made from a single rod and easy gets twisted. With the stainless steel sheets that never happens.
1/50 Extruder motor. This motor is 2/3 the weight of a normal nema 17 motor and haves 3 times its resolution and almost the double of its strenght.
Multiple controllers ready. Every 3D printing controllers has is own qualities and defects so we are including the files so you can choose wich on is right for you.
Monkey Extruder. Monkey sees monkey does. Its an extruder developed by us that can be used as dual extruder or copy extruder, so you can really print 2 parts at the same time.
You can build it by yourself. We had the preocupation to only use technology and products avaiable in the majority of the cities so you can easly make by yourself the structure. The electronics you got to get it in your favourite 3D printing store
very similar to our idea Endurance WanHao combo:
but congrats with nice solution!