
Room Control

Multiple devices controlling lights and shutters with feed back.

Similar projects worth following
Multiple Device Control of lights and shutters using Arduino, Raspberry Pi Zero W, Java script, Mosquitto, Python.
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Here is an explanation on how it works.

More technical explanations will be posted here when I complete them.

Voice control now complete via Mycroft

More planned

  • Mycroft Control Completed

    Chris Sullivan06/13/2018 at 16:24 0 comments

    I just completed Mycroft integration to the project.

    Lights, shutters and louvers are now fully controlled by speech.

    Examples:  "Hey Mycroft,  turn the lights on please"

    "Hey Mycroft,  can you scroll the lights off"

    "Hey Mycroft,  set the desk lights to low"

    "Hey Mycroft,  can you open the north and south shutters"

    "Hey Mycroft,  open the louvers on the east wall"

    Video coming soon.

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